Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sermon Archive

I've decided to start archiving my sermons. Mostly for personal benefit/reference and not so much because I think they're so grand that the world needs to see them. Frankly, a lot of the content of this year's sermons were borrowed (and acknowledged), and it is with this year's sermons that I am beginning the archive, not the years past. This year began my learning/attempting sermons in a grammatico-historical expositional method, particularly popular amongst Refomed preachers, as I myself have embraced Reformed theology more fully this year past. And, in light of this year's sermons, the ones in the past stunk and will not be archived.

So, sermonpress.blogspot.com contains my archive of those given from this year. Incidentally, I uploaded them in reverse order of when they were typed, so the ones at the bottom are the most recent. Silly me.

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