Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Day for Mourning

January 22nd, 1973: Roe v. Wade was ruled upon in the United States Supreme Court, and since then thousands upon millions of children have needless been murdered--sometimes in the most grotesque ways imaginable.

And we thought civilization had progressed beyond the barbarian practices of old. FYI: abortion in America since 1973 has taken more lives than all wars and genocides in recorded history combined.

We are never without hope, however. If the Lord God Almighty exists, and He does, and is capable of changing the hearts of men, and He is, that we as a nation and a people can realize the grievous evil we've committed, we can repent, and we can work towards creating a culture that reveres the preciousness and sanctity of human life--rather than that life being expendable in the name of so-called "reproductive rights".

The Case for Life, Around the Web

John Piper, Lincoln's Logic on Slavery Applied to Abortion

R.C. Spoul, Video series on abortion (streamed on the web for free)

Robert P. George, Our Struggle for the Soul of Our Nation

Ed Whelan, Senate Testimony on Roe v. Wade (2005)

Michael New, The Case for Pro-Life Optimism

Star Parker and Gary Bauer, A Dream Unfulfilled: Roe v. Wade has Played a Big Role in the Devastation of the African-American Community.

(taken from

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