The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has recently adjourned from its 218th meeting.
Let's cut to the chase:
The liberality and heresy that this denomination has a history of committing has not gone away, and this year has hit unprecedented levels.
#1: Because GA was in California, where homosexual marriage is permissable, an ordained pastor performed such a "ceremony" between two men, while the GA covened, outside the main assembly hall. There was not a single announcement before-hand that this was going to take place?
Shady? Embarrased?
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed
-John 3:20
Specific actions taken by this assembly that violate the faith and life of Biblical Christianity include:
#2--Initiated a process to revise the Heidelberg Catechism (written in 1562, adopted by the General Assembly and ratified by the PCUSA in 1967) to delete the Bible's prohibition against homosexuality.
#3--Called for yet another vote by presbyteries to delete our constitutional standard that requires fidelity in marriage between a man and a woman and chastity in singleness.
#4--Nullified all previous proscriptions against sexual behavior outside the covenant of marriage by a new Authoritative Interpretation, which attempts to overrule the recent PJC decision in respect to the PUP report.
#5--Ignoring its declaration that "to be Presbyterian is to be ecumenical," alleged without any supporting documentation that the Evangelical Presbyterian Church encourages congregations to leave the PCUSA, and sought action against the EPC.
#6--Authorized the creation of a $2 million legal war chest to litigate against churches of good conscience which seek to transfer to other Reformed denominations with their property.
The Moderator and Co. continue to send damage control letters/pleas via blogs to congregations/members citing "the common hope we have together", "can't we just agree to disagree" and "the bright future of the PC (USA)", etc.
When a church is in a state of apostasy, such as the PC(USA), what is there to agree on? The church as forsaken the true Gospel of the Living God, in favor of neo-pagan and relativistic doctrine, and the old mantra of "Stay and fight!" is beyond failure. The time has come for us to acknowledge that PC(USA) is no longer friendly to those who love the Lord, His unadultered Word, and hate sin. They have chosen to embrace a gospel that does not "make a new creature" (II Cor. 5:17), but rather sweep sin under the rug, or worse, embrace it.
The Apostle Paul urged the believers he sheperded to not be yoked in godly fellowship with non-believers. The PC(USA) has forsaken her first love, and become lukewarm in faith, not willing to committ to firm doctrine, wishy-washy in conviction, and abandoning truth for fear of "offending" others. Christ says in Revelation 3:16: So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
I, for one, would like to avoid the puke. "As for me and my house, we will will serve the Lord"
Ever yours in seeking Him,
For more info, go to and read the articles and news stories of what went on, letters to the editor, call to arms, cries of "Get out!" and page after page after page of evidence that the PC (USA) has forsaken her first love, Jesus Christ. And in an effort to accomadate differing opinions, rather than stand for the Gospel, and not step on toes or offend anyone in this politically correct time, has chosen to comitt apostasy, heresy, and ungodliness.
If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth
-1 John 1:6
Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
-Matthew 7: 22-23
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